About the Book

About the author.

Ted “T. Pryde” is a writer-in-residence in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. He works, plays, and laughs amongst the spirited company of his wife, two daughters, and clever but incorrigible dog. T. loves reading and writing and has always loved the meticulous construction of strong sentences. He can often be seen contemplating these very things while staring at the sky. His oldest daughter finds precisely this sort of behavior highly embarrassing. It must be noted, T. Is a notoriously slow starter, but can build up quantifiable momentum given the proper time and space. T. Is the author of three grown-up style novels: Manifest Darkness, And The Rocket’s Red Glare, and The Storms That Pass, The Storms That Stay. He has written the screenplays for And The Rocket’s Red Glare, and Pieces for which he was a semi-finalist in the ScreenCraft Screenwriting Fellowship Program. He also wrote and illustrated The Cartwheel Kid for Devin, and Snow Pants for Maggie, both of which earned laudatory praise from the critics (Devin and Maggie). He skis in the winter, bikes in the summer, and likes to toast the sunset with a gin martini on Sundays.
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